Andrew Gouché Signature Cable Packaging
My Client wanted a striking packaging design for the release of Andrew Gouché’s Signature Cable at the 2019 Summer NAMM show in Nashville Tennessee.
My goal was to create packaging that was eye-catching and as easy to locate when stocked next to competitor cables that may be hanging on the wall. So first I researched packaging colors for comparable competitor cable packaging, then took my initial inspiration from the purple of the cable which is Andrew Gouché’s signature color. Since I really wanted to draw the customer’s eye to Andrew’s cable I added a complimentary gold as an accent for the lettering, color blocks, and geometric vector design and grounded the design with a rich black to add a background that would highlight the cable when it is in its packaging. The cable will be available at dealers nationally by December 2019.
Client: Cordial Cables USA
Role: Graphic Designer
Date: 2019